Friday, December 4, 2015

Advice to online job seekers

1.) What is your favorite online employment website that you look for jobs on? CareerBuilder

2.) What do you like about CareerBuilder? Reliable, I get emails about employment opportunities, and trustworthy.

3.) What is your least favorite online employment website that you look for jobs on? All jobs that are trying to recruit you to go to school if you're not able to find employment on their job employment websites.

4.) Do you find online employment websites like gigats to be pesky? Definitely!

5.) What annoy you the most about employment websites that insist on recruiting you to go to school? For one thing, they send you emails about job offers that they say are immediately hiring near you but it's not true because most of the jobs where they are hiring at are out of state. Another thing, no matter how much you try to tell them that you are not interested in going to school, they keep insisting that you check out colleges in the next 3 months & then they connect you to an adviser. I got tired of the schools calling me and emailing me so I stopped giving them my phone number.

6.) Have you gotten anymore phone calls from online employment websites that are trying to recruit you to go to school? No. I just get emails from them trying to recruit me to apply for different schools.

7.) Do any of the schools that send you emails interest you? No.

8.) Do you feel that the schools that send you emails are all about gimmicks? Totally!

9.) Why do you feel that the schools that send you emails are all about gimmicks? Because the whole idea with the different schools sending me emails is to try to get me hooked up in their school & to convince me to think that there is no work out there for me.

10.) Do you respond to any of the emails from any of the schools that send you emails? No.

11.) You are actively seeking employment everyday online. What motivates you that you will be employed? Everyday I'm praying & I've been looking for a while. I believe that there is a job out there for me with no gimmicks. I'm trusting in the Lord and believe he has the best job for me whether in state or out of state where it is absolutely convenient for me.

12.) What advice would you give to fellow job seekers seeking employment on online employment websites who got the following degree: High School Diploma, Associate's Degree, Bachelor's Degree, or Master's Degree who don't have a job yet? The jobs that are out there that are in your field of work may be competitive but don't stop seeking until you find the right job out there for you. Don't let the different job descriptions for those particular jobs intimidate you because whether you're qualified or not, you'll know which job is right for you or not. Also, it's good to upload you resumes & cover letter to a trustworthy online employment website or websites you feel comfortable applying to online. Your resume or resumes will show up in searches and it will be viewed as well as publicly from different major job companies. Keep an eye out for that important email or phone call!

13.) Give an encouraging word or words to those who have their doubts about not being employed after looking all over for work. 

Ephesians 2:10

Matthew 7:7-8

Matthew 10:31

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